Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 4, July 13th, Tuesday

Today we were all very excited to get to the village, but not too thrilled about the drive, since we now know how long and bumpy it is. About an hour into the trip, part of the bus exhaust pipe fell off, so we didn't know what to expect. Our driver simply wired the hanging piece with barbed wire cut from a fence and we were back on our way. Many of us wondered if the bus would make the trip home, but our group leader, Martha said something that really helped our focus. She said God is in control and everything will be okay.

The villagers were waiting for us when we got there and each team went to their assigned house. The beginning of the day for our team started out a little rough. At first, the Hondurans didn't want us to shovel or do anything to help them. We were disappointed and wondered why we were even there. This incident caused us to interact with the homeowners and learn more about them. Sometimes when you aren't fluent in Spanish, communications can be difficult, but God's love and joy breaks through language barriers. God was trying to teach us to let go of control and remember that He is always in control. This is a message we need not only here in Honduras, but back home too. By the end of the day, our team felt much more connected with the people of La Balsa. There was much laughter shared and we worked hand in hand with them.

A message for the kids of St. Andrews: The kids of La Balsa are enjoying the Vacation Bible School activities and crafts that we brought to them. They also love Frisbee, jump rope, bubbles and tennis balls, just like you. We shared with them your love through pictures, and they send their love to you through their smiles.

This evening after devotionals we will be celebrating Jayne's birthday with a little taste of home, chocolate cake.

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