Today is our last day in the village. It is very bittersweet. We are glad that the 3-hour drive to and from the village is over, but we will miss our new friends. We feel as though we've known some of them forever and others we're just getting to know. We are also amazed at how quickly you can pick up Spanish. Some of us are saying Gracias and Si to each other just by habit.
When we arrived today we went directly to Carmella's house. She is the elderly lady who has a fever and we think she has a stomach tumor. We all gathered around her and prayed in English, which was translated in Spanish. She was so sweet and hugged each one of us and told us something about God. Roy anointed her with oil and we all laid hands on her. This was a god-filled moment. Some of us were very emotional and we could just feel God's presence with us.
For the fiesta the school was decorated with balloons, a rainbow banner that the children created in VBS and some special messages to St. Andrews. We did the pinatas first and talk about mass chaos! We almost had a team member at the bottom of a pile-up. We had seven pinatas and hundreds of kids. Some pictures of their faces are priceless! Actually some pictures of our team watching the kids are priceless. After the pinatas we had our presentations. They want us to give hugs to all of you when we get back home, for they love you too. And yes, they did say that. They thank you so much for helping us to get here. They were so weldoming and even had refreshments for us. Fortunately there were single portion snacks and soda from 2 liter bottles. It was very nice to sit, relax, eat and listen to them sing for us. They had special gifts for each member of our team and we gave them our gifts. There was also dancing and all of us had our turn on the dance floor. Make sure you see the pictures when we return. As we left to come back to the ranch, there was much love passed between both groups. We each shared a part of our hearts.
Our scripture for the devotions tonight pretty much sums up our week at the ranch. I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:10-13
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